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Think you have spotted a noxious weed?

Each year we spend thousands of dollars trying to combat the issue of noxious weeds. It has been readily proven that prevention and early detection is the only way to win the war on noxious weeds.

We need more eyes on the ground.

If you think you have spotted one of Sanpete’s noxious weeds, please go through our checklist to get it reported.

With your help, we can more effectively control and maintain weeds in Sanpete County. Thank you for being another set of eyes aware of noxious weeds.

Report a Weed
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Report a new sighting

Look through the map to see the latest weed reports in Sanpete County

Plant graphic under a magnifying glass

We use the EDDMapS reporting system to help track noxious weeds. Help us by getting your weed point added to our map.

Dealing with a high priority weed?
We might be able to help.