Noxious Weed Law

Yes. Its a thing.

The following weeds are hereby officially designated and published as noxious for the State of Utah, as per the authority vested in the Commissioner of Agriculture and Food under Section 4-17-3

title 4 chapter 17 A

A county executive of a county may, with the advice and consent of the county legislative body, appoint a county weed control board comprised of not less than three nor more than five appointed members.

Chair of the county

The chair of the county legislative body shall appoint one member who shall act as a coordinator.

Farmers and ranchers

Two members of the board shall be farmers or ranchers whose primary source of income is derived from production agriculture.

4 year terms

Members are appointed to four year terms of office and serve with or without compensation as determined by each county legislative body.

Noxious Weed ID

54 Noxious weeds.

As of 2016 the state of Utah has added 27 new weeds to the Utah Noxious Weed List for a total of 54 noxious weeds.

High priority weeds (1A)